Originally Posted By: King Brown
I take this first-hand from visiting Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters pollsters and writers in London visiting us for a few days.

This is very strange King. You claim in the "Strong $US vs. Pound Sterling" thread to have several distinguished international visitors staying with you. Yet you have been here most of the day posting your usual Liberal Left B.S. instead of entertaining your visitors. How very rude.

It would appear that engaging in an off-topic discussion in this thread with Ed Good is more important to you than your company. Are you and fellow troll Ed that intent on attempting to steer the discussion away from your anti-gun rhetoric?

I wouldn't blame your visitors if they just went home. But they would actually have to be visiting you in order to leave, wouldn't they? I sure hope I don't get similarly afflicted when I get old.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.