Originally Posted By: lagopus
Sorry for this but I thought that the first people to discover, explore and pioneer the American continent came over the land bridge from north east Asia during the last Ice Age. That would make all those that followed Immigrants.

Also just revelling in our new found Independence. Lagopus.....

Lagopus, first let me congratulate you and your country for the bold step you have chosen to take. It is my hope that it will enable your country and mine to re-establish ties that should always have remained close, as well as allow you to forge an even closer relationship to the US.

Second, we are all immigrants to North America, including the Asians who first arrived on our shores. To believe otherwise is to be mistaken. My question is always how long must one's ancestors lived here to be considered a North American. With a family tree that dates to prior to 1640 in NA, I don't think of myself as a product of immigration. I'm pretty sure the Protestants in Northern Ireland no longer think of themselves as Scottish.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia