of me?
ya mean i got you shakin in your boots?
thanks. that makes me superior!

look, all you guys can come and just hang out of ya want. dont cost nothin.
blab is free. always, someone is always kind and generous at these meets and let people shoot on their dime all the time.
so if youre that cheap.....come be hobo's at someone elses expense. we dont care.

ask rocketman...sarah and i even give out free door prizes to everyone. anything from once fired hulls, beer mugs from germany, wedding gifts for newlyweds attending, smoked turkeys, trinkets, calendars from donators on this very website, you name it.

we even have wives knit blankets at the meet as prizes. there aint no scamming goin on here guys. respect receives respect.
old america at its best.

heck i even gave a guy 250.00 worth of my reloading stuff back in 2012. at the end of the meet, he realized he spent all his gas money to get him and his son back to indiana. so gave him the reloading stuff on an iou.

had a guy get so sick from sun exposure, he had to take a shower in my HOME, to cool him off. he puked 3 ways from sunday. we nursed him and fed him IN MY HOME until he could walk again.

we use to send out tickets as receipts for signing up. until guys would forget their tickets, attend and shoot, and then come back a year later and try to use the lost ticket to shoot for free!

for the campers that rough it in pup tents, that dont bring hot food, and wake up cold, we invite them to MY HOME for breakfast.

ive had dirty filthy mouthed animals cuss in the presense of my wife, in ways that would make a the devil blush. only because im a longsuffering gentleman, they still have their teeth today.

so dont even try to put ME in the catagory of dishonest. the majority of dishonest people that i tend to meet....ARE MY GUESTS.

so pack up your car joe...and come let us see what kind of guy you are. one that demands rights, or receives honest hospitality.

actions speak louder than words.
i have a positive track record. i make it public.
everyone new that comes on my property has none. yet i invite you all.
come make a good impression. or at least try.

Retired Military Aviation
Former Member U.S. Navy Shooting Team