While we have no constitutional right to fly we do have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms. So that is how Mateen could be on the No-Fly list but still able to buy a gun. I got the idea that he had been off of the no-fly list for awhile but I don't know that.

Mateen could not be deprived of his Second Amendment right without due process. Say, being convicted of a felony. Espousing radical Islam is protected by the First Amendment I think. Saying you think it is good that radical Islamic terrorists killed all those innocents in San Bernadino is protected by the First Amendment, I believe. That is, the government cannot deprive you of any of your constitutionally listed rights until you violate the law and you are convicted.

If Mateen had gone to Turkey and then illegally entered Syria and then returned and the Feds could prove it they could convict him of a felony and he would be prevented from buying firearms.

But there are a couple of things that contradict my understanding. I believe if you are restricted in a restraining order in a domestic situation then you can't buy a gun from an FFL legally. Yet you haven't been convicted of anything.

I believe he passed the background check because he hadn't been convicted of a higher crime. Not jay walking but say assault or stalking.

I do not understand how the government can keep citizens from flying on commercial airlines until they the citizen has been convicted of a crime. You know, due process.

So I think I know but I am not positive.

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 06/14/16 04:38 PM.

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