Hello, my name is Steven Norton and I believe this might be a new and interesting forum to conduct research among other collectors. For a while now I have been researching the relationship between Adolph Neidner and the US Marine Corps.

Mr. Neidner mounted 150 Telescopic Sights on Marine Corps 1903 Springfield Rifles in May and June 1917, at the Philadelphia Depot of Supplies. It is believed he used the tapered block design that Dr. Mann had created a few years previous

The one area of interest that I am researching are these tapered blocks. Does anyone on here have a Neidner Converted 1903 rifle that predate his move to MI in 1920? I am mostly interested in rifles he converted prior to 1920, in his MA Garage, and especially around the 1917 time frame. I figure since this is the same time he did the conversion for the Marines, his commercial conversions would be very similar.

I suspect that his commercial conversions would be much more attainable, than the actual Marine rifles, which have been rebuilt/parts replaced, or been fabricated by humpers. And this would give a clearer picture of what his actual work really looked like.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated in this.

Steve Norton