Craig, I wish to heck you'd post LINKS, or at least list your SOURCES (you know, name of the publication, date, etc) because then I could find the specific article to which you're referring. But it's quite clear that ALL the reports don't say anything about workers taking 5 prayer breaks, because I just read 4 articles on the Ariens situation--and NOT A ONE OF THEM referred to 5 prayer breaks. Please go back, reread, and give me a SPECIFIC SOURCE for your information. Islam requires 5 prayers per day (perhaps that's what you read), but they do NOT fall within an 8 hour period. One is at sunrise and one at sunset, which right there is a lot longer than 8 hours. Even in the winter. And one report I read had the director of CAIR in Minnesota, trying to work out a compromise (lots of Somalis in the Twin Cities area) that the workers would get 3 breaks--which, at that point, the company had not accepted.

And Craig, how in heck can you put up a quote from me, then turn around and misquote me in your own post? What I said was: "The 5 prayers would cover the entire day." Nothing about 5 breaks taking all day. One more time: Muslims are required to pray 5 times a day. The 5 prayers cover the religious requirement for the entire day. Each only lasts a few minutes. No, they do not pray all day. Good grief.

Who cares what the demographic of the city council is? Well, I do--when some idiot says it's 100% Muslim when in fact it's only 4 out of six. 2/3 does not = 100%. Who cares? People who believe in accuracy, not BS--that's who.

Other religions don't have a prayer call. So having a prayer call is a special right? As George pointed out, Christian churches have bells. The bells ring and make noise. That likely disturbs some people. Is that a special right? In either case, the way to deal with it is to complain to the local authorities about the noise. What I read from Hamtramck: that's exactly what has happened. And the mosques have been asked to turn down the volume. Seems to be handling noise regulations much the same way they're handled elsewhere. I read about them all the time in the Des Moines Register. Mostly having to do with bars rather than churches. But bars can make noise too, and neighbors can complain.

And here's a little warning to you, Craig: I believe in intelligent discussion. You misquote me one more time--how can you do that when you just posted my fricking quote, then misquote me right below it--and you go on ignore with your buddy Keith. I don't have time for that kind of rubbish.

Last edited by L. Brown; 05/27/16 09:56 AM.