Originally Posted By: L. Brown
[quote=btdtst]"There will never be enough Muslims in this country to have a significant influence on anything" says Larry Brown. Unbelievable.

If only 19 Catholics had brought down Towers 1 and 2 of the World Trade Center, and crashed hijacked jets into the Pentagon and into the ground at Shanksville while on their way to even further destruction in Washington D.C., it is safe to say they would have had a "significant influence" on things.

Same thing would happen if 19 Italians hijacked jets and killed almost 3000 people in one day. But Larry doesn't think that every man, woman, and child having to get to the airport 3 hours before a flight for intrusive TSA screening is a "significant influence" on things. Our ex-CIA Intelligence Analyst also does not think a $50.4 BILLION annual budget for the Dept. of Homeland Security is a "significant influence"

Then let's add in the massive costs for running the TSA, and the added burdens placed on states and cities for security. Oh, let's not forget the many billions of tax dollars we have spent on our military, fighting the war on Islamic terrorism. Then let's take a look at what happened to your IRA's and 401-K's immediately after 9-11, and how long it took the economy to recover.

Originally Posted By: btdtst
You just don't get it. And obviously never will. Again, unbelievable.

No, btstst, Larry will never get it. One would think that a brilliant ex-CIA Intelligence Analyst would immediately see these things. But our brilliant ex-CIA Intelligence Analyst is too preoccupied always bragging about himself and trying to twist logic to prove he is never wrong.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Larry it becomes quite clear why our country is in the shape it's in now when one comes to learn you were once part of the "intelligence community".

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.