Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
That's silly.

If we followed your muslim sympathy lead our country will be extinct.

That's what they said about . . . let's see . . . the evil Irish Catholics back in the 19th century. Then it was the Italians. Then we fought a civil war, partly over whether blacks could be free human beings or just property. Then it's the Mexicans, and others coming across our southern border.

Get a grip, Joe. There will never be enough Muslims in this country to have a significant influence on anything. (Currently, numbers are fairly similar to Jews or Mormons, and less than 10% the total of American Catholics.) Besides which, NO ONE gets any special breaks because of religion. If the Catholics can't stop abortion, with one heck of a lot more political clout than Muslims, you really think Muslims are going to bring us sharia? You think the women's movement--which also has way more clout than American Muslims--would stand for that? And it really doesn't make any difference anyhow, because of the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." In fewer words: We have both freedom OF religion and freedom FROM religion. The Catholic church can tell their people that abortion is sin, but they can't stop Catholic women from getting an abortion. If that were allowed, that would be "an establishment of religion". Similarly, if a Muslim comes here and says my religion allows me to have two wives, or to marry a 12 year old girl, that is similarly out of bounds because both of those are in conflict with American law. Likewise, they can't stone a woman for adultery. All of those things are illegal here, and they don't get any special wavers because of their religion.

When it comes right down to it, that darned First Amendment is every bit as important as the Second.