Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: L. Brown

I hear the same thing about what Muslims condone and promote and reward, Joe. Yet after an attack like in Paris or Brussels, all I have to do is google "Muslims condemn Paris attack"--and I get a whole bunch of hits. And remember--just in case you haven't seen a very good movie called "Spotlight"--that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church covered up all that sexual abuse for a very long time. They'd put a priest on sick leave . . . then he'd show up in another parish.

But since you raised the issue of Muslim terrorists . . . did you know that in February 1998, old Osama Bin Laden himself issued a fatwa telling Muslims everywhere that it was their duty to kill Americans, however they could? And he even provided excellent examples, using his Al Qaeda organization to attack our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998; the USS Cole in 2000; and of course 9/11. So . . . what's happened in the 18+ years since Bin Laden called for Muslims all over the world to rise up and kill Americans? (And remember: We have several million Muslims in this country, and several hundred million non-Muslim Americans. So no shortage of opportunity, right?) You know what? The school shooters at Sandy Hook and Virginia Tech--non-Muslim wackos--killed more people in just those two attacks than Americans killed by Muslims in this country and in Europe. You bet, you hear a lot of hate being spewed in the name of Islam. But you know what? The vast majority of Muslims aren't doing anything about it. And who's fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria? And the Taliban in Afghanistan? Mostly other Muslims. They're killing way more of THEM than they're killing of US.

The defense you offer is total crap.

Muslims won't publicly applaud the terrorists actions until they a are majority or gain more control in a country....only a brain washed insane person would defend the Muslim religion.

Ever here the saying if the shOe fits...
Or more appros- if the Fo shits!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..