Originally Posted By: keith
[quote=L. Brown]Hmmm. I don't speak Spanish, but I'm guessing there may be a term comparable to that the French use for someone who doesn't speak French well: "Il parle francais comme une vache espagnole."
(He speaks French like a Spanish cow.)

we now have Larry mocking Francis (RWTF) about his Spanish.

Darn Keith . . . my post was so short I figured even you would be able to understand what I wrote. I DON'T SPEAK SPANISH. So how could I mock Francis' Spanish? The connection--I guess too obscure for you to grasp--is that the FRENCH (a language I do speak) refer to those who don't speak FRENCH well as speaking it like a Spanish cow.

What a long stretch in an attempt to pick a nit. But it's Keith, so hey . . .

By the way, Keith, since we're off topic anyway: Did you see that the US Fish and Wildlife Service wants to allow the wind energy industry to kill 4200 bald eagles and 2000 golden eagles per year? And environmentalists are worried about a few that might be dying from lead poisoning? Now there's something you should REALLY find interesting.