Originally Posted By: ekalaka
According to Snopes.com, a UN small arms treaty signed by the US provides a "legal way around the 2nd Amendment," is false... Max Baucus retired in 2004.

What a surprise... another anti-gun Troll joins the other DoubleGunShop anti-gun Trolls. Maybe ekalaka ought to do a little research into the veracity of Snopes before he uses it here to defend the signing of the U.N. Small Arms treaty by Obama, and the support of it by Hillary Clinton and a majority of Democrats.


Does anyone here seriously think that the legal counsel for the NRA hasn't read the words of the U.N.treaty? We are against it for good reasons. Anyone here can go online and read it for themselves to see what it would mean if it was ever ratified by our Senate. I'm speaking of the entire U.N. Arms Trade Treaty.

Oh, by the way ekalaka, Max Baucus DID NOT retire in 2004 as you stated. He retired in 2014 after voting with 43 other Democrats and 2 Independents who went against Sen. James Inhofe's (R-Okla.) amendment to prevent the U.S. from entering the U.N. Small Arms Treaty. Time to remove your head from your posterior. Welcome on your first post, Troll.

I can't wait for the gay whines and whimpers from those who feel I should be civil to another anti-gun Troll.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.