Ah yes- Blondes- the preference of gentlemen, as per the late Marilyn Monroe- my choice too. But banging women, and banging down birds are by no means the one and same "ball game"-- I shot partners pool last Sat. evening with a hot redhead at the Flat River Pub- and she can rack my balls anytime, hand running. Actually, she did, but not at the Pub-at her place apres. But, I digress- I don't see how getting laid has anything in comparison to a man's choice of many good gauges for dropping birds. If you like the 16-and can cover the cost, and it kills birds cleanly without crippling (like the damned .410) then that's your Huckleberry, Laddy. Oh, I heard a good new pool term- we were playing 8 ball for $ at the Pub-when the other team (two lezzies, both good players-) broke- and 15 balls plus the "16 ball" that is, the cue ball, spun around the green felt, without any of them dropping into any of the 6 pockets-- My partner called out loudly-- "Dolly Parton break"-- I looked at her, a tad puzzled-then she explained it to me: "Big Bust, No Balls"!! Loved it!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..