Originally Posted By: ed good
and now back to the topic of this thread...

"Informational additions to this thread that will help us preserve our 2nd Amendment rights are welcomed and appreciated."

it is suggested that we here consider advocating for the restoration of our second amendment rights...

I agree. So why would anyone on this site say this???...

Originally Posted By: ed good
brian: it aint the type of weapons that bother me so much as it is the high numbers of them that are now in the hands of the public...about a half dozen north eastern states have severe restrictions on the possession of hand guns. I see you are from ny as was I until 1998. so, we are both familiar with the Sullivan law...in my opinion, laws that restrict ownership of firearms are geared to limit the number of firearms in the hands of the general public. the theory being, that if there are less guns out there, then there will be less misuse of guns...logically, that makes sense to me.

This post is not intended for improperly using this thread to debate with a Troll. This is every bit as Informational as a link to Hillary Clinton's anti-gun positions from her campaign website, and to illustrate that there are anti-gun Trolls and Trojan Horses like ed, King, and nca225, who insidiously pretend to be supporters of the 2nd Amendment while they also work to undermine it.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.