Are you saying that about me Larry, or are you saying it about you and your older brother King? Why do you expect me to abide by the same rules that you and King regularly break?

The rules also say "you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false" You and King are both guilty of that.

Don't lecture me about the rules when you yourself violate them Larry. You have needlessly dragged this out by your refusal to retract and apologize for posting false information about me.

Next time you cry to Dave, why don't you throw a tantrum and threaten to leave. Perhaps you could try one of those histrionic farewell threads like Last Dollar did complaining about civility shortly after he called JamesM (formerly Italiansxs) a WOP. Maybe that will make enough noise to make him forget that you create your own problems, and then expect him to bail you out. Grow up man. I did briefly consider notifying Dave that Ed Good has recently been engaging in Trolling in the Second Amendment Informational Thread, but I couldn't lower myself to becoming a squealing little rat.

Speaking of rats, I think #4 lead shot would be overkill for them.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.