It was a good thing then, when "The Lord Protector" died in September of 1658, which caused parliment to restore the monarchy, and invite King Charles II back to merry England from exile in France. Because, Charlie had developed a love and knack for wingshooting while in exile, using French flintlock fowling pieces which were, at the time, LIGHT YEARS ahead of anything the English had at the time-the English usually shot birds on the ground, and usually missed them with their clunky frontstuffers.
Had it not been for the two French flintlocks coming back to England, I bet things would be far, far different today-look how long English makers stuck with muzzleloaders after everyone else went to breechloaders.
Any of you guys who crow about English guns have to keep in mind-they did it the same way Japanese did it with cars, by copying something else that was better than what they had.
Look it up.