Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: keith

Uh, sorry to disagree JDW, and when this subject has come up I have posted numerous links to old threads proving my contention. Here's a nice one that appeared here in post #264074 on 2/5/12 in the main forum where Last Dollar used an ethnic slur and called Jim a WOP:


Then there is this long name calling and insult hurling thread entitled "Beware of James Legg" that appeared here on 8/15/08:


Those were the good ol'days...

What about the Chambers fellow that went total nuts calling me a racist when I told him the black gunsmith in the picture he posted probably built that gun like Johnny Cash built his Cadillac....stole it one piece at a time.

I don't and never will understand why he went totally nutso over your comment, enough to get him thrown off this board which is pretty hard to do.

Glad he's gone though.