Tried hard to enjoy tobacco as a teenager. Never got hooked on cigs, or any other kind of tobacco, tho' I certainly tried. Chewed Red Man, then Levi Garrett for twenty years. Swore if I ever met someone I believed contracted cancer from chewing I would quit. I did. Cold turkey, no problem. Started having a cigar, but never inhaled (I swear). Got up to six a day about 5 years ago. Banker suggested I needed more life insurance. Wanna guess why? While filling out application for a 250k additional term, I noticed question no longer asked if I smoked cigarettes, but if I used tobacco. Hmmm. My integrity being paramount I asked my agent for enlightenment. He says Prudential has an "occasional cigar smoker" rate, for someone who maybe has one or two cigars a week with the guys. I put on policy ----Cigars. How many? ---- One per week, says I. I got the preferred rate after my physical, I have not exceeded one per week since then, and the savings in cigar money is more than paying my premium on the additional 250k term. I "save them up" sometimes, tho', and may have two or three in a weekend on a hunt, but never over one per week for the year. My wife, who struggled with cigarettes for many years and finally quit completely is amazed that I can have one per week and never exceed that.

Tried a pipe but the tobacco "burnt" my tongue too much. Just not enough of a romantic to ignore it I guess.


Last edited by Stan; 11/19/15 11:13 PM.

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