Originally Posted By: King Brown
The omnipresent protector of all of us from the antis still doesn't get it that his fulminations are all about him, a narcissist making a Misfires monument to himself: Look guys, look at me, I'm smiteing all the antis, King's thread is 80,000 views!

There isn't an anti-gunner here. Look at it, as Geo has. Misfires is a freak show. The little fella's two threads postulating Ed and me as anti-gun comprise 100,000-plus views. Indulgent porn. The main forum has 300,000-plus views.

Geo, I don't stay to get his goat. I'd like to make Misfires less safe for fools.

First off, I'm not smiting (or smiteing) all of the anti's, but I am illuminating King Brown's and Ed Good's anti-gun rhetoric by reproducing their own words and saving them in one convenient thread where no sane person could deny them. I said, no SANE person could deny them.

They are no narcissistic monument to myself King, but they are your legacy. I'm pretty sure no-one even thinks of me when they read your words denigrating the strategies of the NRA or suggesting that we concede ground to the anti-gunners. If you are not happy with what you said, then why did you say those things?

Originally Posted By: King Brown
I'd feel better about 2nd protection if our side stopped shooting itself in the foot with the makes-no-difference between 10 and larger magazines, cross-messaging of the worst kind.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's hardly mean-spirited to note that I'm an Obama supporter. I'm proud of it, apparent here as long as he's been around. He's anti-gun but has kept his legislative gun in his holster to position his party for '16.

How about this King... do you remember saying this from your post # 308159 on 1/8/13?

"Your messages appear as from one who hasn't been involved directly in action of what it takes to beat back grabbers other than a NRA membership. (And that antagonizing NRA comment while the nation mourning was no service to our cause, as I said here at the time. Better that the NRA would consider what Obama proposing and it would respond in good time in the country's best interests etc.)"

It is not in any way, shape, or form Pro-Gun or Pro-NRA or Pro-2nd Amendment to suggest that "Americans accept mass murder to defend an individual right to bear arms in the name of personal freedom." But you didn't simply suggest it King. You came right out and said it.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Democracies make choices. Americans accept mass murder to defend an individual right to bear arms in the name of personal freedom.

You're right King... this is a freak show. Look at all the freaks in denial of their own words. You are like an abortion doctor claiming to be pro-life. And now you are imagining me trumpeting that 80,000 have viewed your thread. Do you check the tally every day? Don't blame me for how many people viewed your anti-gun rhetoric. You and Ed said those things, not me. I merely voiced my opinion that you are here to support and defend anti-gun politicians, and to LULL and undermine us, and to criticize our Right to Keep and Bear Arms based upon the evidence you provided. If you wish to shoot the messenger, that is fine by me. But you'll have to shoot yourself.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.