Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern

This forum has run just fine for you and a few other rightwingnuts who've bullied a number of good people off the forum.

I am curious who the "good people" are who have been run off this forum by "rightwingnuts"???

I'm also wondering why there isn't similar concern for other good people who have left in disgust after becoming sick of dealing with the leftwingnuts?

We don't see any concern for Jim, aka Italiansxs, or a bunch of other Conservatives (aka rightwingnuts)who have left. We do see King and Replacement still piling on Jim when he isn't even here to defend himself. Jim explained that he was leaving in disgust, but his own explanation has been dishonestly twisted by King to suggest that he was either under some severe mental strain or that he was banned from posting in Misfires.

I'm sure that somehow I am wrong for noticing.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.