Originally Posted By: keith

I did some of my own research into this topic awhile back when one of Geo's fellow lawyers suggested that I could be sued. I learned that it is still quite legal to give your opinion about someone, whether it is on the internet or on TV or in an article or editorial. I learned that you should not make obvious libelous or slanderous statements. These are statements that you know to be false. If you know or believe or can prove someone is a liar or a slimy piece of shit, for example, then you have not slandered that person. If you have the brains to save a quote that shows someone is a liar or anti-gun or even a scumbag that said filthy things about your daughters, that aggrieved person can wipe their ass with their crybaby complaint. I frequently call Ed Good an Anti-Gunner and have saved dozens of his Anti-Gun statements. Ed Good calls me an Anti-Gun mole but could never provide one anti-gun word from me. Which of us might have a problem if I was a thin-skinned pussy? Actual libel or slander is very difficult, read expensive, to prove, and actual damages tougher yet. It was suggested that I should be sued to create financial damage or disincentive to me, legal censorship and punishment if you will. I learned that life is a two-way street and that I could always counter sue or even file an anti-SLAPP action in some states to recover legal fees. I also learned that the vast majority of these cases end up enriching the plaintiff's lawyer and go nowhere.

As always, everything I post on this forum is my opinion.

Sounds like we have an F. Lee Bailey in our mists here!

But really, I'm pretty sure there are three or four lawyers on this board who are chuckling at your post there princess. Would you mind explaining exactly WHO got defamed?

Last edited by nca225; 10/31/15 10:22 AM.

Forum: a medium of discussion/expression of ideas. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/forum