We don't have "illegal immigration". We have an "illegal invasion". 25% of the population of Mexico has moved, here, in the last 40 years. The very great majority of those people were not invited. What other country on the face of the planet could/would have let that happen to themselves?
Real or imagined does not enter the picture. We have 20 million uninvited foreign people, the great majority of them uneducated, and unable to speak, read, or write English, who place a huge burden on American society, in the form of entitlements, welfare and emergency services. They are involved in the justice system at rates 15-20 times that of US citizens.
They are not our neighbors, our friends, or our brothers. They are a scourge.
It needs to end, and they need to go.
I'm tired of talk of building a fence. Plant a minefield. I'll help.
