The rise of secularism harms, not helps, the unorthodox (heretical?) Christian sects. They have the rare ability to scare the shit out of fringes both the very religious and the very secular. It might be because the USA is obsessed with religious tolerance and the cult sects make us naturally uneasy. Regardless, its unrealistic to think a candidates faith will not be noticed. I believe Romneys Mormonism was a problem in the purple states, not the red states.

They might be viable as Democrats. Ds can get away with flawed candidates because they get 240 some electoral votes by default. Rs need to run a near perfect game to win.

This Carson rise is fake anyway. The conservative media is flattering Carson in the hope that he can get rid of Trump. Then when Trump is gone they will try to pull the switcheroo and push Rubio or some other establishment tool.

King: Democrats are anti-gun. I wish they were not but they are. Look what they said about Jim Webb (who's on their team).

Last edited by RyanF; 10/28/15 02:06 PM.