Originally Posted By: RyanF
If Saddam had any WMDs, when faced with certain death, why didnt he use them, as he had done in the past?....

....Maybe the lesson is you cant trust anything these people say about anything. You cant believe what they say about war, healthcare, the economy, the climate, immigration, hope and change, or anything at all....

Sadam, knew from the first gulf go round that his military would likely get over run in days, if not hours. There's no evidence that these folks go out like righteous warriors. He returned to 'home' where friends tried to cover for him, and he would've grovled in a pig pen to avoid capture. I think at the end, he was hoping to pull a binladen and hide away watching porn. If he was in charge, which he wasn't, history shows he would use chemical based wmd's.

I really don't follow about the trust angle. The folks that trust it's right to burn Bush in effigy, will trust that all their entitlements will be provided. Apparently, it doesn't matter if it is not true, all that matters is that these 'trusting' sorts will provide their vote. I think it's a huge mistake to expect reason.