I short-cutted my endorsement of RyanF's post. I'd like to explain, briefly, what I meant.

I think Ryan is correct when he asks the question rhetorically, why does that group of 40 get the blame? Why is it their fault, automatically. Why could it not be the rest of the Republicans who have moved away from what the party is supposed to stand for? Why might it not be Obama who makes compromise impossible? Why is it incumbent upon one specific group to cave every time to the others for compromise to be reached?

This is the same as the gun rights issue writ large. There is no compromise from the other side, only incremental advancement. And the right, on any subject, is constantly criticized as being obstructionist when they don't cave to the demand of the centre and the left. Could it be the left are the obstructionists? Could it be they have bamboozled the middle?

Having been an avid observer of the game for 4 decades now and with a family background of politics so thick while growing up it was the only conversation I ever heard between my father, uncle and grandfather, what I believe I see daily now is the result of a change of tactic by the left that started 40 years ago (roughly). Change the game! Can't win? Change the game.

Society isn't "advancing". It has been being changed by a small minority with a specific agenda and a road map. Now, so many reasonable points of discussion, that should be part of the dialogue, are off the table because of Political Correctness. Male Privilege! White Privileged! Whatever is done to appease them is NEVER enough and when we have been moved some distance left as a society, they change the goalposts once again.

IMHO the issues with the Republican caucus is just part of this larger continuum.

There! Back on topic!!

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia