Originally Posted By: craigd

I believe RyanF is wrong. The left accepts and welcomes attacks against itself to push the overall agenda along. Unions, universities and left wing cities/states all gladly budget in heavy monetary losses in lawsuits, so that they're directed by a court or their unilateral feelings to pc engineer society.

True enough when they totally control something but, Dems like winning the elections. They have a huge advantage in the presidential election frankly, they dont have to do much to win. But, the blue dog Dem went extinct under Os watch and Dems have been annihilated at the state level. They lost the blue collar vote (maybe forever). What agenda can they implement now? Os reduced to executive orders and the veto. No agenda is going to happen until the next election, freedom caucus, or not.

Maybe Monica Lewinskys ex-boyfriends wife will do better.

Last edited by RyanF; 10/22/15 07:39 PM.