Can't wait till President Cruz claws back the gov check you cash every month you lying sack of $hit RMB !

The latest revelations on the details of Saddam's weapons stockpile, now potentially in the hands of Sunni radicals, affirm the Bush administration's characterization of Iraq as a territory situated in a hotbed of radicalism, flooded with a bevy of highly dangerous weapons and overseen by a criminal rogue regime. Indeed, the WMDs are to say nothing of the Hussein government's nuclear weapons program, also put to a stop by intervention in Iraq. In 2008, American and Iraqi officials had "completed nearly the last chapter in dismantling Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program with the removal of hundreds of tons of natural uranium from the country’s main nuclear site,” the New York Times reported. Approximately 600 tons of “yellowcake” was removed from the Tuwaitha facility, the main site for Iraq's nuclear program. According to global, uranium enrichment levels of 95 percent were achieved at the Tuwaitha facility. That site was also the location of the Osirak nuclear reactor destroyed by Israel in 1981.

Hillary For Prison 2018