Originally Posted By: King Brown
....I'm voting strategically against my party to prevent vote splitting allowing the Conservative Party to continue running the country. The Liberal Party isn't my first choice. My country comes before party.

This, I don't understand. What makes you think the conservatives are so bad? Did they cut welfare, harm women, slash health care? Or, is their only crime that they don't trigger the hope-n-change leg tingle any more.

I recall you saying that you wanted to skew a poll that imposed a happy face on Canada. Then, you were going to flank 'em and say, see you're so happy you don't want more gun control. I also recall you saying, Canada was one of the few countries of this world practically untouched by the financial meltdown. You also said many times that your leadership has kept you out of expensive, unnecessary war. Another bad thing?

So your leadership prioritizes and steers Canada through the toughest of financial times, and as a show of gratitude, you demonize and hatefully attack them. With friends like 'you', who needs enemas.