Originally Posted By: King Brown
....As for specific targets, US is investigating....

....Look at whose side Iran is on with ISIS.

I wasn't thinking about oopsies. I concede, the US should've gone to that 'hospital' and mirandized the whole crew, but this'll be forgotten in a microsecond compared to the fifteen minutes of inconvenience due to the 'emails'.

I was thinking of the biggest international, well except for kyoto, agreement of all time. A couple weeks ago russia tells the US to take a hike. The US says no thanks, so the russias start by attacking US 'partners'. Jean kery scrambles, so trembling in their boots, russia attack US forces. Weird eh.

Do you really suppose iran flexed its high tech long range delivery system muscle to intimidate two or three izzles cruising around in a toyota pickup with some ak's and grenade launchers? No, something says they're sending a message, and it ain't deterrence. Maybe womens rights, legal marijuana, minimum wage? Yup, they're keeping their eye on the ball.