Thank you Larry and Dave.

The examination of the blown out Remington 1894 barrel was performed in March and April 2014 by Adam W. Haskins, P. E., Metallurgist at Metals Engineering and Testing Laboratories (METL) here in Phoenix. He was unable to find any previously published photomicrographs/SEM of pattern welded barrels, and I urged him to publish his findings in a professional peer review journal. I think he's waiting on the DGJ articles.
I'll need his help again converting vintage barrel composition data to modern AISI equivalents.

I also thought about the liability issue (despite the Sherman Bell articles) and included this with the first article "Damascus Mythology and Reality"; some of which is here

1. My interest is in Damascus pattern identification. I am neither a metallurgist nor engineer, and hope someone with greater knowledge will continue this research.
2. A single Failure Analysis, radiography of 3 barrels, and tensile strength testing on 12 barrels does not represent a statistically significant study.
3. Nothing in this or any subsequent article should be construed to indicate that YOUR barrel is safe.