Originally Posted By: King Brown
You seem to be implying that conservatives don't slag Americans. The only time relations have been at a lower ebb with the US than now under a conservative government---Keystone, trade, GOP candidates wanting razor wire on our "longest undefended border"---was when Tory blue Diefenbaker was running the show more than 50 years ago. Dief and Kennedy couldn't stand each other. From all reports it's the same with Obama and Harper although Americans are coming around to gay marriage and abandoning capital punishment.

I'm sure you would agree King that it is possible the current discord may be the result of a one sided problem. Obama has demonstrated an inability to get along with anyone...other heads of states, anyone in Congress....except Hollywood stars. I would also suggest that Trudeau's antipathy towards Nixon and his embrace of Castro and the Soviet regime may probably more accurately represent the nadir of relations between the leaders of our two countries.

But besides that, you are slightly changing the subject. I'm not talking about the current or past status of our Prime Minister's relationship with the US president. I'm talking, as you well know, about the constant, low level sniping so common in our media and intelligentsia as perfectly represented by Maude Barlow and her idiotic Council of Canadians or whatever she calls her vanity project. It is the one area of life I had respect for Michael Ignatief. He managed to rise above that so common trait.

And, as you just acknowledged in our last exchange, those groups I just described, the media and the intellectual (self appointed) elites attract liberals like a flame does moths.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia