And we're all still waiting for that so-called majority of peace loving Muslims to publicly and loudly denounce the methods of radical Islam. We're still waiting for the peace loving Muslim clerics to start preaching acceptance of Israel and Christianity.

When the Imam shouts "Death to Israel--- Death to America" in Iran, he is greeted with the cheers of thousands who support him. Given the Iranian's propensity for cheating on arms agreements, it will take more than a wish or a prayer to stop them from acquiring Nukes for the Caliphate. Here's a neat story about the startling increase in Muslim Honor Killings in Canada:

Ah those peace loving Muslims. Talk about a silent majority. Actually, we can all see it for what it is... dishonest Liberals making dishonest excuses for a failed foreign policy.

Please ignore those beheaded Christians and their raped and tortured wives and daughters who are sold as sex slaves. We got bigger fish to fry... that woman hater Trump insulted Rosie O'Donnell!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.