Originally Posted By: King Brown
I wasn't aware of the UN report and from what you say I'm more concerned about the world's response to a significant humanitarian issue than the gender of refugees or economic migrants. Ideology has nothing to do with it.

So tell us King, who do you think is responsible for this "significant humanitarian issue" which did not exist until the disastrous Obama Foreign Policy decision to leave a massive power vacuum behind in Iraq, and a sissy-like response to "Lines Drawn in the Sand" in Syria? Could this foreign policy failure which has resulted in a Genocidal killing of over 250,000 innocents be the Obama Legacy that puts him in the top third in your feeble mind?

Or are you too busy thinking about any long object being a phallus or penis?

Originally Posted By: King Brown
His comedic projection of swords and snakes as tough masculinity comes off as homophobic and distinctly phallic!

We're still wondering what you were trying to say there King Brown... or should we call you Kloset Kween Brown?

You still haven't offered a shred of proof of that statement you used to dishonestly attempt to denigrate me. What were you trying to pull there you old fraud? Was that more of your Psychological Projection or blame shifting... trying to project your affinity for queer things to me?

"Psychological projection also known as blame shifting is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others."

And there is a lot of circumstantial evidence showing your affinity to gays and gay issues... from your attraction to Obama who lit up the White House in rainbow colors to celebrate gay marriage to your frequent references to Pope Francis' "Who am I to judge?" statement pertaining to queers. Also, a lot of you anti-gunners attempt to denigrate gunners by portraying guns as phallic symbols.

Why don't you just come out of the closet already?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.