Originally Posted By: Jagermeister

That is because some politicians care about the United States. Going against this agreement means United States will be on its own (the agreement was ratified by the United Nations). Furthermore no agreement virtually assures development of nuclear weapons by Iran.
The members of the opposition to this agreement want to ruin United States. The ultimate goal of many is invasion of Iran and Pakistan after that. Their war mongering knows no end.

We all know that Obama can do no wrong in King Brown's foolish old eyes. What else could we expect from someone so agenda driven and so totally dishonest?

Jagermeister is a complete idiot. His statement above is just more proof. King and Jagermeister both claim that the U.S would be going it alone without this so-called treaty. Gary corrected them and reminded them that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and several other Middle East neighbors are against this. And we could easily have exerted pressure on any ally that wished to go against us. France and Germany get more in trade from us than they will ever get from dealing with Iran. More Liberal bullshit from Liberal bullshitters. The sanctions were indeed working, and only needed the noose tightened to get either an agreement that actually had some teeth, or regime change in Iran. Obama and Kerry gave it all away.

We didn't even get our U.S. prisoners being held there. How's that for tough and savvy negotiating?

Jagermeister laments that the ultimate goal of treaty detractors is the invasion of Iran and Pakistan. Nobody has said anything about Pakistan although it is clear they were harboring Osama bin Ladin and have worked against us. Iran vows to destroy Israel and the Great Satan United States.

I guess that does not count as war mongering to Jagermeister, and we should just wait like fools to see a mushroom cloud over Manhattan before we do anything. You can't fix stupid, and you can't expect a pathological lying sociopath like King Brown to admit the truth.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.