Pete...I know nothing of the import tariffs but this....and I am reluctant say this, as it will surely be interpreted as "fighting words" by some...but here goes...
Back in the 19teens an immigrant Austrian apprenticed gunsmith by the name of Fred Adolph of Genoa and Rochester New York imported Austrian and other high grade guns into America. He advertised that he made the guns to cover the fact that he was in fact importing the guns in pieces in order to skirt the import tariffs. Because of the Fred Adolph stories, and the fact that his close personal friend, Chas Newton (a lawyer and owner of Newton Rifle Corp.), also tried to follow suit as a barrel importer for his own factory, I think barrels (and parts) were exempt from any stiff tariffs...I can elaborate on the Newton barrel importing effort if you would like.
As for the Italians being heavily damaged, maybe the Val Trumpia region was spared becuase of it's location away from the shores, way up north. By the way...I was told that as a general rule (not always), you can locate family origins by the last vowel. Families whose name ends in "o" or "a" are from sothern Italy (traditionally)...Family names that end in "i" are from the north, like Bernadelli, Zanotti, and Beschi...just in general though

Last edited by Robert Chambers; 05/29/07 01:39 PM.