Originally Posted By: King Brown
....(I call myself an atheist because I don't know what I am except I believe in Jesus and his teachings of how to live in a loving community. Jesus would have little time for those who believe THEY are arbiters of faith and truth and denigrate, distort, denounce and lie about fellow citizens and communicants, particularly those who receive regular Holy Communion. They spit in Jesus's eye. They do it to become a somebody from a nobody. May the Spirit save us from them.)

I can see why you tolerate the church of Canada, pc. You folks should try to separate church from state, if nothing else, but to take a break from reciting talking points. Nice balance, only 'souls' of your political stripe are entitled to saving. If the right could only shed their blinders, they could open their hearts and surrender their souls to the government.

Interesting, the only 'teaching' of Jesus that's accepted is how to live the easy life, just like your fellow Christians in balmy iran. Introspection is the key to breaking the culture of violence, misery and mayhem, so apparent to outside observers, and distance yourselves from the likes of the quds forces and allow lbt's their pulpit. Hmmm, never mind, you already did that.