The great Liar King Brown is the obsessive one. He is obsessed with telling us lies and then telling more lies to explain his previous lies.

King just lied in his previous post again when he said that I "shifted his use of a pistol to flying with a pistol". But he said this in his post # 360486:

Originally Posted By: King Brown

Carry is mostly prohibited but the Mounties told me when I bought my first one 60-odd years ago that I'd never have any trouble anywhere if I used common sense, not do something foolish with people around. Used it in our wide open spaces and forgot to remove it several times crossing the border in my aircraft.

Is he now trying to tell us that he was talking about a Savage .22/20 gauge survival gun here? Is he telling us he crossed the border several times while illegally transporting a firearm without flying? Was he towing the "aircraft" he referred to behind his truck? It's too bad that Canadian handgun laws are so onerous that you have to be sneaky and break the law to do a little target shooting, and be careful to know that there are no other people within miles of you.

That RCMP officer who returned King Brown's illegal handgun when he carelessly left it behind on a fishing trip sounds like he was practicing selective enforcement. King would be incensed if he looked the other way when a poor barefoot white country boy was not arrested while a poor barefoot black city boy in the same circumstances was thrown in jail.

King, you ratted Jim out to Dave over nothing but voicing his opinion, like the squealing little rat you are. I hope someone returns the favor and tells someone in the RCMP who actually follows the law about your illegal use of a handgun. Someone who cannot remember his previous lies is a danger to everyone. It may seem trivial to you, but it is Canadian law, which you think is superior to U.S. firearms laws.

I told you King, when I set my mind to something, I never quit. We are all sick of your incessant lies, bullshit, and anti-gun rhetoric. None more than me. I will not take my foot off the neck of the snake. You can always try another approach and just stop lying, but by now we all know you are too mentally ill to ever do that.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.