Originally Posted By: King Brown
Jag, it's another of his lies. Another one is flying with a pistol. Survival guns are not illegal. I forgot it was there once while flying into the states. That is a no-no. Keet is obsessed by me. He can't help himself. An affliction, to be pitied.

That's not what you told us here King in your post # 360486 on 3/10/14:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
I'm spoiled about gun ownership, Dave. I've the liberty to pick a gun and go hunting within the usual laws as you do but when restrictions loom it simply takes the fun out of it. When restrictions started limiting use of Stens, Schmeissers and Tommys I said to hell with it.

Assault rifles don't turn my crank.I don't think you can compare your situation with ours concerning enjoyment. There's no restrictions on my "rights" as far as I'm concerned, and buying and selling is far less onerous than FFLs, state lines and all the rest of it. I've carried a pistol in my hunting kit all over Canada.

Carry is mostly prohibited but the Mounties told me when I bought my first one 60-odd years ago that I'd never have any trouble anywhere if I used common sense, not do something foolish with people around. Used it in our wide open spaces and forgot to remove it several times crossing the border in my aircraft.

Do you remember what Canvasback had to say about your illegal transport of handguns in Canada... and apparently even across the border?

Originally Posted By: canvasback
King, the advice the Mounties gave you regarding your pistol is dated. Moving your pistol around as you've described is contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada and if you are caught you will likely lose the right to own any gun of any sort for the balance of your life.

I wouldn't blame Jim or anyone if they reported you to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police just as you reported Jim to Dave Weber for voicing his opinion about the anti-gunner George Soros. You know... to protect the integrity of Canadian airspace.

It would appear that King Brown is once again telling lies to cover up previous lies. And he is attempting to deflect his inherent dishonesty by transferring it to me.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.