Years ago I was looking for a superposed. I went to a local gun show and I found one and looked it over, the dealer was very nice and didn not hesitate to let me look at it. I passed on that gun and went over a few isles and found a nicer one a little cheaper. When I asked to see it the dealer kind of looked me up and down and hesitated thinking this young kid(I was in my 20's) did not fit his idea of a superposed buyer. I passed right on the spot and went back and bought the other gun. First thing I did was walk back the the other dealer and point out the gun I bought and that he should have looked at a potential buyer differently. For years later he remembered me and was quick to show me anything. I like to believe he learned something that day. Don't judge a book by its cover!!!!

I've had the same thing happen at a local shop that deals in high end Beretta's and other fine guns . Several times I been in there looking to buy(with money in pocket) and the owner always talks down to me. Never will probably buy anything from him because of his attitude towards me but I sure do make a point ask a lot of questions and handle everything just to annoy him!!!! He caters to rich folks and has no idea I have way more gun knowlage than he could ever think of having. He only knows the little world of guns he deals in. I have to bite my tongue when all the guys I shoot skeet with recommend him to another shooter or talk about buying something from him. To me he will always be an arrogant/phony person.

Last edited by Woody402; 08/12/15 09:43 PM.