Agree with Stan. Building a laminate of carbon and plastic seems like a bad idea. Environmental conditions could explain why some get away without cleaning.

As for a best way to remove plastic, have found Slip2000 is about the fastest solvent for choke tubes. Just put them in a jar for 15 minutes or so, then wipe off.

As for bbls, every solvent mentioned works. Here are some I've used: WD40, Kroil, Liquid Wrench, Hoppes #9, Ballistol, Klenzoil, Brake cleaner, Carb cleaner, mineral spirits, and diesel (yup, just once).

Abrasives like scotchbrite, copper wool, wire brushes on drills, etc. facilitate removal, but are messy. I hate cleaning the crud out of bristles. Abrasives are not necessary if you can find the patience to let chemistry work for you. Just generously apply whatever solvent you like - I hose WD down the bore usually. Then forget about 2-3 hrs minimum, more is better. Overnite is best. In the AM plastic comes out in sheets just with snug fitting patches.

Not everyone has patience, so cordless drills have their place.