As I recall, the initial reports of Police shootings in Baltimore, Ferguson, and the George Zimmerman shooting of Trayvon Martin did not immediately reach the conclusion that they were unjustified. It was only after race hustlers and the Chief Race Hustler in the White House became involved that the cry went up about shooting these poor helpless unarmed black men and "children".

Thanks for the information Gil. Again, I do not think Sandy Hook was a staged event. But the final reports differ a great deal from what was said on live Network News reports on the day of the shooting. Here's some other strange conflicting information:

From CFS-12-00704597 State Police Report, pdf of State Police Report, talking about Adam Lanza’s body when inspected at the school ON THE DAY OF THE SHOOTING: (please go to the documents pages 32 – 34 on the left side navigation)
“Located on the floor east of the shooter was a “Glock 10″ semi-automatic pistol…one round was partially loaded in the chamber, with a magazine of 8 rounds remaining…the pistol was approximately 3 feet from the suspect….the pistol had numerous hairs to the front sight area of the pistol…consistent in color with that of the shooter…A black colored canvas hat was located on the floor northeast of the suspect…This hat had blood stains hairs and a hole consistent with a bullet hole in the forward portion of the top of the hat…”
“This hole was consistent with having been worn by the shooter at the time the shooter received a bullet to the RIGHT REAR LOWER PORTION OF HIS HEAD WHICH EXITED OUT THE TOP PORTION OF HIS HEAD AND HAT“.
Did you catch that? A kill shot to the lower rear of the head…who shoots themselves in the BACK OF THE HEAD?
Further proving this shot was to the lower right BACK of the head, report 00118939 page 34, talking about the “boonie-styled” hat next to Adam on the floor: “…This hat had blood-like stains, hairs and a hole consistent with a bullet hole in the forward part of the top of the hat. This hole was consistent with having been worn by the shooter at the time the shooter received a bullet to the right rear lower portion of his head which exited out the top forward portion of his head and hat…”
I also think it is VERY strange that they use the words “…at the time the shooter received a bullet…” instead of “…at the time the shooter shot himself…” Receiving generally means someone did it to you, not you doing it to yourself! It really makes it sound like they were saying someone shot him in the back of the head…of course they then go on to say he shot himself in the “right side” of the head after just saying it was to the right rear lower portion…
Also, it seemingly conflicts with the following note from the autopsy report on Adam which was done later:
(from 00101146 report, showing anatomic findings of victims and Adam Lanza) – “Adam Lanza died from “intraoral gunshot wound with extensive injury to skull and brain”…
Note the word “Intraoral“, which if you go to any online dictionary and look the word up, it says “within the mouth, inside the mouth; situated, occurring, or performed within the mouth”…the report is saying he put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger, but the FIRST REPORT from the scene says the shot was to the lower right back of the head and exited through the top of his head…
Lastly, in report 00045958, it shows the record of photo’s taken of Adam during the autopsy, which do not show ANY photo taken of the back of his head, only the top. Curious, since they clearly indicated in the first report it was there. For the “debunker” on REDDIT, I would like to ask a simple question: Who puts a gun to the back of their head and shoots themselves for a suicide?

Those inconsistencies all come from seasoned professionals, not terrified eyewitnesses. The paragraphs above are not my words. I copied and pasted them here. I know from firsthand experience how flustered eyewitnesses can be. When I was manager of a restaurant while going to college, I stopped in one night at closing time to check on the progress of a new assistant manager I had trained who was flying solo for the first time. Long story short, the place got held up at gunpoint. I carefully studied the robber for eye color, clothing, shoes, etc. including his Colt .25 ACP which he waved close enough to my face while pointing it at the other employees that I could actually read the slide. When he left with the money and ordered us all to stay put for 5 minutes or he'd kill anyone who came outside, I knew he wasn't about to hang around, and I was able to get 1/2 the license number from his blue Datsun B210. Afterwards, I called the cops and of course, they asked all of us for description of the robber. The other 3 employees messed up somewhat on his clothing, but all knew he had a handgun. My new assistant manager told the cops that it was a Saturday Night Special, and I interrupted and told the cop it was a blued Colt .25 ACP. He went to his cruiser and returned with his back-up gun and showed it to the kid who said, Yeah, it looked just like yours except it wasn't silver. The cop asked me how I knew what it was and I told him I read the slide from less than 2 ft. away, and I knew the police would need an accurate description to catch the guy. He then became much more interested in what I had to say. They found the robber later that night AFU on drugs in a blue Datsun B210 with the 3 license numbers I saw as he fled. In the back seat were the Camo coveralls and blue ski mask I described, eye color was correct, and he was wearing black Converse high top tennis shoes as I told the cops. They never found the gun, and said he probably used the money to buy the drugs that screwed him up so bad that he was sent to a State Hospital for the insane.

I think I am fairly observant of small details which has always helped me immensely. When huge inconsistencies arise in a case like Sandy Hook, especially in the political climate we have now where the tendency is to blame guns and the 2nd Amendment for everything, then my radar goes up and I have to ask myself the question... is it even remotely possible for early reporting to be that far off? It would not be the first False Flag type of incident perpetrated by a government with an agenda. Didn't some of you have a nice little vacation in Viet Nam because of the Gulf of Tonkin incident?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.