I wondered about Rick. I know some pro-gun people dont trust him one bit.


Soros is a progressive trouble maker of the highest order but he was not a Nazi collaborator.

I dont claim to be conservative. Once upon a timenot anymore. Actually Rick Santorum is the poster boy of what turned me but thats another story.

keith, you offer a fascinating peak into mentality of a fanatic. I gave you multiple mainstream sources that debunked all this silliness but you simply cannot accept the truth. You really think Glenn Kessler has been paid millions by Planned Parenthood? Wow. Just wow.

You might want to see if your local community college offers an introductory philosophy class. You need assistance with critical thinking and logic. Then you will not get so mad when King Brown makes arguments that go over your head. You think youre calling out anti-gunners but youre merely tilting at windmills.

Last edited by RyanF; 06/23/15 01:53 PM.