King Brown is once again LULLING when he tries to tell us that Obama poses no threat to U.S. gun owners. Is King really trying to tell you all that Obama did not try very hard to ban semi-automatics and large capacity magazines? Is he really saying that Obama has not nominated anti-2nd Amendment Judges to the Supreme Court and that the Heller and McDonald decisions were not won by razor thin 5-4 votes with the Liberal Left Justices voting to gut the Right to Keep and Bear Arms?

The only thing that kept the "blue ruin" at bay was an effective NRA and gun-owners sticking together to tell their legislators that they would not accept blame for the actions of the mentally ill.

King Brown is once again lying to us. Disrespectful commentary is way more than he is worthy of. We don't need slimy lying foreigners coming here to try to undermine our rights. Why doesn't King Brown work on Gun Control issues in Canada where he has done absolutely nothing to help? He told us he spoke on behalf of gun owners before the legislature, but you cannot find that testimony if you Google it, and he refuses to show us what he said. If he really did speak on the matter, it was certainly just more LULLING and recommendations that Canadian Gun Owners just roll over and give them up.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.