Yes this forum is open to all regardless of where they reside and this is as it should be.
However; members like Brown over step this in constantly commenting as a non-resident on what we as U S Citizens should have as firearms regulations and what we should do to "accommodate" those who would restrict our 2nd Amendment rights. I don't comment on Canadian firearms regulations because I don't live there and don't feel qualified to do so.
He obviously doesn't have the preservation of our 2nd Amendment rights in mind here and it's obvious he's a consummate socialist with an agenda in sharp contrast to the majority on this forum.
Most of us view those of his ilk as trolls with a goal of disrupting this forum and as undesirable "members" to say the least.
We've had this conversation in the past privately and I am surprised you have brought it up here. I of course remain available to discuss this again if necessary.

Last edited by James M; 06/19/15 12:58 AM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.