25 pages and Jimbo is still posting a fake quote and spreading an internet rumor.

Keith apparently reasons that linking to the dishonest organizations who spread the half-truths is will substantiate the half-truths. Go to the fraudsters for verification of their propaganda. Real smart keith. You are not definitely not a libtard.

Again, show me a genuine news source that supports your claim of black genocide. Show me to a credentialed Christian scholar that supports your claim. Show me a Cardinal who supports your claim. Why cant I find this in Christianity Today? How come this theory of yours only shows up on a few extreme pro-life blogs and WND type crazy sites?

Because none of this crap can make it past and editor or fact checker.

When the facts change I change my opinion. I guess that makes me a retard.

Why do I care? Because the pro-life liars are doing great damage to conservatism and American Christianity. The intellectual tradition are both are being shit on by a small fringe of straight up lunatics. These nuts are the best get out the vote operation Hillary could hope for.

Like I said, if you want to plant your flag with them, go ahead.

Last edited by RyanF; 06/18/15 12:26 PM.