Ryan, why are you going on and on about the selective edit when the full quote has been shown here several times by Mike and yourself? You choose to interpret it your way, but Margaret Sanger's writings, speeches, and her associates seem to show something else entirely.

Here's a comment from the Radiance Foundation on Guttmacher's claim in your Washing ton Post article:

"Not reported--Guttmacher is funded by Planned Parenthood and regularly spews false statistics. (Case in point, their former CEO Sharon Camp claimed that Guttmacher was "completely unaffiliated with Planned Parenthood" while being given millions by the abortion chain). Notice that the link to this recent Guttmacher report includes NO actual geographic data. None is presented. Guttmacher merely SAYS these abortion clinics are in mostly white neighborhoods at the same time they lament that there are "no [abortion] clinics in 89% of counties" in each state. Typical of this pro-abortion think tank, they contradict themselves. In their 2008 "Abortion Incidence and Access to Services" Report, they clearly state: "Abortion services are concentrated in cities." So, which is it? Unlike Guttmacher, Life Dynamics and Life Issues Institute (Arnold Culbreath's parent organization) actually present clinic location by address/zip code. All of the raw data is there to review. One would think a news organization would take the time to review Guttmacher's actual "evidence". Oh, but there is none."

Here's some links to the 78% (or more claim), but I don't expect you'll be cooking any crow because you are entrenched in your beliefs.




Here's the link to the Life Dynamics study that analyzed zip codes and census data to refute the Guttmacher report.


I'm still waiting for you to admit you were 100% wrong about your claim that Michigan is the birthplace of Eugenics, so you can stop telling us about your willingness to eat a crow if you are wrong. And you can lay off of Jim about presenting phony facts when it is you that is dispensing B.S.

I see you apparently have no problem when frauds like King Brown take Mitt Romney's words out of context. Interesting and revealing.

RyanF to all of us: "I don't care either way about Planned Parenthood or abortion because I stand up to piss... so pay no attention to me going ape-shit because people are criticizing Planned Parenthood and their founder, and because someone may have misattributed one quote to Margaret Sanger. Pay no attention to the false information I post here"

Did you know that Vince Lombardi didn't say
"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing,"

King Brown should be along soon to tell us that he actually said those words when he engaged in naked wrestling with Vince Lombardi.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.