Cripesam I the libertarian libtard thats supposed to denounce Hillary so this thread can die? The thought that anyone here will vote for Hillary is absurd. Any man who votes for Hillary should have his nuts cut off and thrown into a wood chipper.

I dont understand the obsession with Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger. There so many better reasons to denounce Hillary. Ill denounce Hillary for being an ugly old hag and an anti-gun drunk.

Ive got no real issue with Sanger. She didnt much care for breeding habits of Africans, immigrants, and poor people. I feel the same way in 2015. Making more babies than you can feed is stupid.

Judge Sanger by the standards of her day. Eugenics was widely accepted, and if you called someone a racist before WW2 they wouldnt of had a clue what you were saying. The word racism didnt exist before the late 1930s. Literally wasnt in the dictionary.

On the other hand, comparing blacks to baboons is definitely considered racist in 2015. Sangers may be on firmer ground than some people here

I couldn't say if Jimbo is a racist but, he sure has a fragile ego. (Evidenced by the infamous ignore list. An Italian thing?) Weeks later, he's still fuming for being called a racist -after he said the comparison would probably be considered racist when he posted it. If youre going to get all butt hurt over being called a racist, then dont post stuff you know will be considered offensive. At least jOe owns his posts.

Last edited by RyanF; 06/11/15 08:34 PM.