Originally Posted By: xs hedspace
People say more police are needed in the inner cities---no, jobs are what's needed!

If there are no jobs in Baltimore why don't those unemployed people move to where there are jobs? If there are no jobs in Chicago why don't those unemployed people move to Texas? If there are no jobs in Detroit why don't those unemployed Detroitans move to Houston?

If it is so awful WHY DON"T THEY MOVE?

The Mexicans, the Eduadorians, the Costa Ricans, they are moving, enduring great hardships and taking great risks. And when they get here they face the possibility of being caught at the border and sent back. But they come none the less. But that poor oppressed unemployed twenty five year old man in Baltimore can't come up with a $100 for a bus ticket and a loaf of bread and a couple of pounds of bologna? Sounds like poverty is the problem all right. But it is poverty of culture that is holding them down, not their poverty of means.

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 06/02/15 12:20 PM.

I am glad to be here.