Ah, childhood my butt! I was into trap shooting very young. I sat inside the trap house placing clays on the plate by hand never knowing when the release would be pressed and whether the clay would fracture in my face inside the house. Catch hell for shutting down the range if I had to wave the cease fire flag for less than the loss of a limb. No eye protection, usually got a break after 3 hours to refill my canteen, maybe get a free hotdog from the club bbq if I had any money and back into the trap house for another three hours of heat without a breeze. Pay was 25 cents per hour. Never was offered a chance to take a few shots or handle a nice gun or two. I started this at age 12 because a neighbor up the street told my dad I would enjoy the easy job. I quit after about 6 shoots once I could convince my dad this wasn't fun or safe. Did nothing to endear trap shooters for me.