A couple days ago, ed good made the claim that I am an anti-gun mole. That's a pretty interesting charge coming from someone who frequently comes here to tell us how he personally believes that our own Right to Keep and Bear Arms should be restricted, and how he feels that extreme Anti-Gun politicians should be elected to high office in the U.S.

It is tedious and time consuming to go back through old threads to keep track of his anti-gun rhetoric, so I am beginning this thread as a convenient one-stop online archive of ed good's anti-gun statements. Please feel free to add any that I might miss. Once they are here, he can't go back and delete them and pretend that he supports the Second Amendment.

Originally Posted By: ed good
too many people in this country possess too many semi automatic firearms...including the police.

elementary statistical theory and the law of probability indicates that the only meaningful solution to the growing number of misuses of that class of firearms is to reduce the number of semi automatic firearms now in wide distribution nationwide.

reducing the amount of anything will reduce its misuse.
Post # 400299

Originally Posted By: ed good
an mikie, et al...

this is not an anti gun suggestion.

however, it is a pro common sense suggestion.
Post # 400300

Originally Posted By: ed good
craig: its about too many guns that can put out too many bullets in too short a time...we are over gunned and are now paying the price.
Post # 400310

Originally Posted By: ed good
geo: there are those who are here under false names and pretenses that post far more damaging anti gun stuff here than i do...

if one were looking for a definition of the term "gun nut", just read some of the wacky, so called pro gun posts here.

i am calling for a common sense discussion of the suggestion that we have too many dangerous weapons in the hands of too many people.

the question i ask, is this:

have we reached the saturation point of being over armed?

as responsible gun owners, we should be able to have that conversation here. but, will the so called pro gun fanatics here allow it?
Post # 400316

Thanks ed. If Obama, Joe Biden, or Michael Bloomberg typed in all lower case letters, we might think these words came from them. We have plenty of laws to keep guns out of the wrong hands. For those of us who are law abiding citizens, we have the Second Amendment, and do not wish to discuss your idiotic notions that it is subject to any further infringement by you or anyone else.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.