One way or the other, NATO or something else, it's long past time to get moving on a collective effort, heart and mind. I'm no UN lover or, for that matter, blue-helmet advocate, never was. You know as a cold warrior that intervention is big-boy business with the best infantry around.

Without a stronger public will than currently shown in Canada and the US, I think we will throw up our collective hands in Afghanistan because so few NATO partners are carrying the load, and prospects of greater participation range from maybe to nil. I give it two years and Canada is out.

Canada's famed Van Doos, Royal 22nd Regiment, go to Afghanistan in August. Quebec, a political powerhouse courted mightily by the new minority Conservative government, wants no part of Afghanistan. The Conservatives are gung-ho but if Van Doos casualties are as the RCRs we'll be out before that.

Ottawa's lies and obfuscation about conduct of the war does nothing to strengthen public support.